The Charities Act 2016 requires that a Commercial Participation Agreement be put in place when a business is involved in a promotional venture with a charity. In this case, undertakes to pass to its payment partner the total revenues raised by the charities supporters. A proportion of this does not represent a donation, but rather a payment to the charity for the promotional activities the charity performs to its supporters on Give as you Live's behalf. This is known as the Trading Payment.
Articles in this section
- What is a Compliance Agreement?
- What is a Commercial Partnership Agreement?
- Why am I being asked to complete a Compliance Agreement?
- What is a self-billing invoice?
- Do we need a separate trading company?
- What if my charity does not have a trademark number?
- How do we set the percentage level of the Trading Payment?
- Is it necessary to add VAT to the trading payment invoice?
- Are Everyclick search payments subject to any changes?